About & Synopsis

The State Road Crash Rescue Challenge is a multi-agency event involving all Road Crash Rescue providers across NSW.

This event is being developed and conducted jointly by NSW SES, Fire and Rescue NSW, and The Firefighter Championship Association.

The challenge will involve teams from the various road crash rescue providers in NSW including NSW State Emergency Service, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Police Force, NSW Ambulance, NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Volunteer Rescue Association and VRA Rescue NSW.

The following activities will be included in this event:

  • Learning Symposium with a number of relevant topics
  • Entrapped Rescue pit
  • Controlled Rescue pit
  • Trauma Challenge pit
  • CPR Challenge pit
  • Two Workshop pits with industry experts
  • Industrial Domestic Rescue scenario pit
  • Rescue Skills pit

The bulk of teams participating in the challenge will be able to complete all the activities above.

Participation in the Challenge is at no cost with lunch and refreshments provided for all participants on site.

Saturday night dinner will be provided as part of the casual function.

Travel and accommodation will be funded by the respective agency for each team or by the respective teams.

Download Synopsis PDF

Upcoming Events

02 - 04 MAY 2025

Dubbo NSW


Northern NSW


Southern NSW

Participants' Quick Access Links

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Event Overview

Entrapped Rescue


To demonstrate primary hydraulic rescue tool use for access, release, and removal of a physically trapped casualty


• Pit equipment inspection 10 minutes
• Isolation for scenario construction 20 - 25 minutes
• Undertake scenario 30 minutes
• Make up pit 5 minutes
• Debrief from assessors up to 10 minutes


• Manikin (simulated live) – entrapped by vehicle/prop and/or injury
• Some injuries treatable in vehicle
• Entrapped vehicle plus props

Phases & Assessment

Sufficient space will need to be created for medical intervention and casualty release/packaging reflective to their mechanism of injury

To achieve success teams should work within the full three phases of vehicle extrication rescue to affect a thorough release and removal of the casualty

Phase 1. Casualty Access/Space creation
Phase 2. Physical extrication options/plan
Phase 3. Final casualty pathway

Challenge Rules
Score Guide - Command
Score Guide - Technical
Score Guide - Medical

Controlled Rescue


To demonstrate the access, release and removal of a casualty/s trapped by injury entrapment and / or limb entrapment


• Pit equipment inspection 10 minutes
• Isolation for scenario construction 20 - 25 minutes
• Undertake scenario 30 minutes
• Make up pit 5 minutes
• Debrief from assessors up to 10 minutes


Two casualties, either manikin and / or live, both treated as conscious and confined to vehicle or immediate impact area. Some injuries treatable at scene. Single or multiple vehicles plus props.

Phases & Assessment

Teams are expected to tirage the casualties and identify the medical priority for extrication. This should be recognised within the size up process. To achieve success teams will need to work efficiently and manage all the resources at their disposal to complete extrication of all casualties within the available time frame.

Challenge Rules
Score Guide - Command
Score Guide - Technical
Score Guide - Medical

Workshop Pits

Pits will be available for competing teams and teams that are not included in the rescue events

Teams will be scheduled to pits with teams of equal experience being able to practice using rescue equipment

The pits will be managed by equipment suppliers FRSA and PT Lucas

Each pit will measure about 20x20m

2 x 30-minute slots will be scheduled for all teams

Trauma Challenge

The Trauma Challenge is a two person, medically focused, 15-minute event. Each two-person team will participate once. Teams that are not entered in the vehicle rescue events will be able to enter a team in the trauma challenge

Trauma Challenge Rules
Trauma Challenge Score Guide

CPR Challenge

A 10-minute event where teams will be judged on how well they administer CPR to a mannequin. Scoring will be through an electronic device attached to the mannequin

CPR Challenge Rules

Rescue Skills Challenge

The Rescue Skills Challenge will assess various core rescue skills of a team of 4 rescue operators.

The core skills will include knots, Combi Tool, RIK, Power Hydraulic Pump, Hand Hydraulic Pump, and Stokes Litter.

Rescue Skills - Knots
Rescue Skills - Challenge Rules

Industrial Domestic Rescue


To replicate Industrial & Domestic Rescue scenarios that General Land Rescue and RCR crews may be called to attend

IDR Extrication Phases

• Casualty access and space making
• Extrication options for release using Manipulate, Dismantle, Displace, Cut (MDDC)
• Casualty packaging and handover


Sufficient space will need to be created for medical intervention and casualty release/packaging reflective to their mechanism of injury. Teams are expected to recognise the medical needs of the casualty(s). The casualty(s) will have one or more injuries or illnesses.

To achieve success teams will need to demonstrate a balance between efficiency, safety and urgency to find and treat the casualty(s)’s life threating injuries as soon as it is safe to do so and complete extrication of the casualty(s) within the available time frame.

To achieve these outcomes in each class teams should demonstrate techniques consistent with the overall technique-based philosophy.


The organisers would like to thank our key supporters for their continued and valued support of the event

Fire Rescue Safety Australia

PT Rescue

MSA Safety Inc.

Chubb United Technologies


Fire Brigade Employees Union

Matthews Fire Alarm

Alexander Perrie & Co.

SEM Fire and Rescue


Magnum Boots

Crusader Hose


Hella Group

Results 2024

VRA Rescue NSW - East

  • Controlled Rescue - 1st Place
  • Entrapped Rescue - 3rd Place
  • Trauma Challenge - 1st Place
  • IDR Challenge - 2nd Place
  • CPR Challenge - 3rd Place
  • Best Technical Award
  • Best Medical Award
  • Overall - 1st Place

NSW SES - Kiama

  • Trauma Challenge - 3rd Place
  • CPR Challenge - 1st Place
  • Rescue Skill - 3rd Place
  • Best Team Leader Award
  • Overall - 2nd Place

CFA - Werribee

  • Entrapped Rescue - 1st Place
  • IDR Challenge - 1st Place
  • Overall - 3rd Place

FRNSW - Ulladulla

  • Entrapped Rescue - 2nd Place
  • Rescue Skills - 1st Place

FRNSW - Region West 1

  • Trauma Challenge - 2nd Place
  • IDR Challenge - 3rd Place

NSW SES - Hawksbury

  • Controlled Rescue - 2nd Place

VRA Rescue NSW - West

  • CPR Challenge - 2nd Place

FRNSW - Wyong

  • Rescue Skills - 2nd Place

NSW SES - Hunter Valley Rescue

  • Controlled Rescue - 3rd Place